Sunday, May 24, 2009

Morning Sickness : Toughest Part Of Early Pregnancy

Morning sickness mainly refers to nausea and vomiting that many women will experience in the early days of pregnancy.

Usually, it takes place due to a sudden increase in hormone levels during pregnancy.

Though morning sickness is most common in the morning, it can take place at any time in the day or night. If nausea and vomiting are mild, they are not usually a cause for concern.

However, if you vomit heavily more than four times in one day or lose more than two pounds, it is essential for you to seek immediate medical attention.

Fortunately, it won’t cause any problem for you or your baby if you keep up your weight and take enough fluids.

It often goes away on its own or gets better in the second trimester. In the meantime, if you want to get better relief, check out these simple tips:

  1. Eat smaller and more frequent meals throughout the day, so that you don’t feel too full or too hungry. An empty stomach and low blood sugar, which results from long stretches between meals, can possibly trigger nausea. Always choose smaller and more frequent meals.

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