Sunday, May 24, 2009

Men Who Heavily Participate In Pregnancy Become Better Fathers

In an ongoing study of five thousand American couples, researchers found that fathers that get involved in the early stages of pregnancy are more likely to participate in their children’s long term upbringing [].

The evidence gathered seems to suggest that prenatal bonding and being involved with the actual process is much more important than marriage or even staying together as a couple.

Natasha J. Cabrera, who led the study carried out at the University of Maryland on College Park, said that dads that are not involved in the early stages or during first trimester are more likely to drift away from their offspring because of a lack of family bond.

The focus was put on over fifteen hundred unmarried fathers and Cabrera stated that during the prenatal stages a family structure is more likely to be formed, which is an interesting piece of information.

Furthermore, fathers that got involved during the pregnancy were more likely to move in with the mother once the child was born.

Involvement could be as little as buying presents or providing transport to hospital appointments. Although often it was much more than this including attending ante-natal classes, accompanying pregnant partners to regular prenatal check ups and decorating the nursery.

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