Monday, May 25, 2009

Telling your parents is the tricky part

Since my mom delivers babies for a living, there wasn't much chance of hiding it from her for long. Before I could decide how to do it, she had already guessed. I had mentioned to her that I wasn't going to class one evening, and when she asked why I told her that I felt nauseous. She immediately knew. Since I wasn't living with her, she suggested I tell my dad soon. As fate would have it, they ran into each other at the grocery store and she warned him that I had something I needed to confide to him. He more or less guessed it on his own as well.

What foods contain folic acid?

Since more than half of pregnancies are unplanned, the Food and Drug Administration has taken steps to fortify food so that all women of childbearing age get a daily dose of folic acid. The following foods can help you obtain your recommended amount of folic acid:
  • Leafy green vegetables such as a large spinach salad
  • Citrus fruits, such as a tall glass of orange juice
  • Beans
  • Breads
  • Cereals
  • Rice
  • Pastas

A daily vitamin with folic acid is also suggested since the food listed above may not contain enough of the supplement to meet the requirement.

Socioeconomic and psychological outcomes

Several studies have examined the socioeconomic, medical, and psychological impact of pregnancy and parenthood in teens. Life outcomes for teenage mothers and their children vary; other factors, such as poverty or social support, may be more important than the age of the mother at the birth. Many solutions to counteract the more negative findings have been proposed. Teenage parents who can use family and community support, social services and child-care support to continue their education and get higher paying jobs as they progress with their education.

Is Breast Pumping Right For You

A breast pump is an automatic device that can be used to bring out milk for later use from a breast feeding woman. The way a breast pump works is a lot like to milking instruments used in commercial dairy companies.

The mile that has been extracted can be stored so that if needed anyone can feed the baby by a bottle. In come cases the mother can produce more milk than the baby can hold. In this situation a breast pump can be helpful when the breasts become engorged which can prevent proper latching by the infant. When a woman uses a breast pump it relieves pressure. A breast pump can come into play when you have a child that cannot properly latch onto the breast. Since breastfeeding helps to speed up the recovery process in a pregnancy, many times woman will continue breast pumping even when they no longer need to breast feed.

There are many types of breast pumps to choose from. The main differences you have are automatic or manual. Which most women prefer the automatic, and that they can just lay back and let the machine do all the work. You also have double and single breast pumps, and if you are all about saving time then you will want to invest in a double breast pump.

You should started breast pumping as soon as the baby is born. A high grade double electric pump can be used to help build up your supply of breast milk.. Many hospitials can supply a breast pump for you while you are still in their care. For the first couple of weeks you will need to use a breast pump 8-10 times in a 24 hrs time frame. The more you pump the better stimulation which establishes a good supply of breast mile. The hospital can provide the instructions on how to store and transport the milk to the bottles. You should follow the guidelines to avoid passing harmful stuff to the baby. Knowing how to sterile bottles and sterilize pump is very important as well

You need to use pump the breast at least 6 to 8 times in a day that the mother is able to start direct breastfeeding. Then, lower the length of pumping by a couple of minutes if the supply becomes very large. Even if the babys intake is down, as in the cases of premie babies, breast pumping needs to continue on as though the baby was born at fullterm.

About the Author:

Age discrepancy in relationships

According to the Family Research Council, studies in the US indicate that age discrepancy between the teenage girls and the men who impregnate them is an important contributing factor. Teenage girls in relationships with older boys, and in particular with adult men, are more likely to become pregnant than teenage girls in relationships with boys their own age. They are also more likely to carry the baby to term rather than have an abortion. A review of California's 1990 vital statistics found that men older than high school age fathered 77 percent of all births to high school-aged girls (ages 16-18), and 51 percent of births to junior high school-aged girls (15 and younger). Men over age 25 fathered twice as many children of teenage mothers than boys under age 18, and men over age 20 fathered five times as many children of junior high school-aged girls as did junior high school-aged boys. A 1992 Washington state study of 535 adolescent mothers found that 62 percent of the mothers had a history of being raped or sexual molested by men whose ages averaged 27 years. This study found that, compared with nonabused mothers, abused adolescent mothers initiated sex earlier, had sex with much older partners, and engaged in riskier, more frequent, and promiscuous sex. Studies by the Population Reference Bureau and the National Center for Health Statistics found that about two-thirds of children born to teenage girls in the United States are fathered by adult men age 20 or older.

Medical outcomes

Maternal and prenatal health is of particular concern among teens who are pregnant or parenting. The worldwide incidence of premature birth and low birth weight is higher among adolescent mothers. Research indicates that pregnant teens are less likely to receive prenatal care, often seeking it in the third trimester, if at all. The Guttmacher Institute reports that one-third of pregnant teens receive insufficient prenatal care and that their children are more likely to suffer from health issues in childhood or be hospitalized than those born to older women. However, studies have indicated that young mothers who are given high-quality maternity care have significantly healthier babies than those that do not. Many of the health-issues associated with teenage mothers, many of whom do not have health insurance, appear to result from lack of access to high-quality medical care. Many pregnant teens are subject to nutritional deficiencies from poor eating habits common in adolescence, including attempts to lose weight through dieting, skipping meals, food faddism, snacking, and consumption of fast food.

Inadequate nutrition during pregnancy is an even more marked problem among teenagers in developing countries. Complications of pregnancy result in the deaths of an estimated 70,000 teen girls in developing countries each year. Young mothers and their babies are also at greater risk of contracting HIV. The World Health Organization estimates that the risk of death following pregnancy is twice as great for women between 15 and 19 years than for those between the ages of 20 and 24. The maternal mortality rate can be up to five times higher for girls aged between 10 and 14 than for women of about twenty years of age. Illegal abortion also holds many risks for teenage girls in areas such as sub-Saharan Africa
Risks for medical complications are greater for girls 14 years of age and younger, as an underdeveloped pelvis can lead to difficulties in childbirth. Obstructed labour is normally dealt with by Caesarean section in industrialized nations; however, in developing regions where medical services might be unavailable, it can lead to eclampsia, obstetric fistula, infant mortality, or maternal death. For mothers in their late teens, age in itself is not a risk factor, and poor outcomes are associated more with socioeconomic factors rather than with biology.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Something To Remember When Trying To Become Pregnant

Once a couple starts to consider having children the subject of fertility should be a joint venture.

There is just as much for the male to contribute especially in the early stages as his partner.

Although the focus is usually put on the soon to be expectant mother, a change of lifestyle would benefit both partners and should all be part of the joint adventure of parenthood.

Cutting down on alcohol, giving up smoking and switching to a healthier diet is the first positive step.

A simple change when trying to conceive is for a man to switch to looser fitting underwear and be more aware of his testicles in general.

Outside environmental factors should be looked into, in terms of both the work the man does and his hobbies.

A lot of the checks that a women is advised to make should also be followed by her partner for example if any long term medication is being taken, consult a doctor to ensure that it will not affect sperm count or production. Both could have a very detrimental affect on conceiving a baby.

Pregnancy And Heart Problems

Pregnancy is supposed to be a wonderful time in a woman’s life.

Heart trouble during pregnancy is something that an expectant mother sometimes has to deal with.

During pregnancy, a mother’s heart increases in output by fifty percent. This makes their heart have to work much harder to take care of their body.

Even if you are a healthy woman, you may still suffer from fatigue and headaches during pregnancy, which can be signs of heart disease.

Heart disease during pregnancy can be from family genetics or simply brought on by the pregnancy. If you are a woman who has had trouble with her heart then you should seek a physician’s advice before becoming pregnant.
Deep Vein Thrombosis

During pregnancy, some women develop Deep Vein Thrombosis, which is a cardiovascular complication. If you have this complication while you are pregnant, a blood clot will develop into your leg or your lower body.

When you get further along in your pregnancy, your uterus will enlarge and your circulation in the lower half of your body will change. This is why you are at a greater risk for Deep Vein Thrombosis during this time.

Folic Acid During Pregnancy May Be Dangerous To Child

There are many misconceptions regarding pregnancy and some require a bit of examination to determine if there is any truth in what a lot of them suggest.

Folic acid has been recommended for many years for the benefit of the growing baby in the womb however data from a recent study would seem to suggest that it might in fact create a bigger risk from cancer. Taken in large doses it could mean that any child goes on to develop tumors in later life.

Diet is important not only in women but also the male population. The latter that consume less vegetables and fruits but have a preference for dairy and meat have a lower sperm count. This would indicate that both partners should change their life style once they have decided to try for a baby.

Women that are very overweight when pregnant will definitely be affected. Not only will they be more prone to most conditions like high blood pressure and pre-clampsia but also routine scans will be more difficult to perform. Accurate Ultrasound, which is one of the main methods of monitoring the progress of any pregnancy, is difficult.

American Epilepsy Society Says Pregnancy Is Ok For Sufferers

Epileptic women can have healthy babies and their pregnancy will be safe if they follow some guidelines recently published.

Obviously the whole gestation period would be carefully monitored but there is no reason for a woman to opt out of childbirth.

The American Epilepsy Society along with the American Academy of Neurology have presented the procedures that if followed as much as possible will help ensure that a woman can mother healthy baby to full term.

In America four in every one thousand babies are born to those suffering from epilepsy and the information, which can be found in the Neurology journal, will provide much needed reassurance to females who have previously felt that pregnancy is too risky for them.

The key factors are to give up smoking, only take a single drug to control the epilepsy and avoid three different medicines.

The latter have been linked to problems related to the growth of the baby in the womb and serious risks to the newborn baby as it develops.

The chemicals to stay away from are Phenobarbital, valporate and phenytoin and a good neurologist will advise a woman just what medicines she should consider while her body makes all the changes involved in carrying a baby.

Diet & Nutritional Needs For Pregnant Teens

You may not know what to expect from your body when you are a pregnant teen.

Probably, many questions are running through your mind. You may be concerned for you and your baby’s health.

Eating right is not something that you are used to doing. Your diet may have consisted of eating at every fast food place in town. Now it is time for you to figure out what will be healthy eating for you.

A physician or nutritionist can help you get on track to a well balanced healthy diet. You will find there are many foods that you can still eat but in moderation.
No Dieting

Your body is getting bigger and it is hard for you to get into your jeans. Maybe you already have to wear maternity clothes and you really hate them. The diet that you are considering will not be the best thing for you or the baby. This is not the time to go on a diet.

Your baby and you will need all the vitamins and minerals that you can get. Going on a diet will take away some of those nutrients and it will not be good for you and your baby.

Men Who Heavily Participate In Pregnancy Become Better Fathers

In an ongoing study of five thousand American couples, researchers found that fathers that get involved in the early stages of pregnancy are more likely to participate in their children’s long term upbringing [].

The evidence gathered seems to suggest that prenatal bonding and being involved with the actual process is much more important than marriage or even staying together as a couple.

Natasha J. Cabrera, who led the study carried out at the University of Maryland on College Park, said that dads that are not involved in the early stages or during first trimester are more likely to drift away from their offspring because of a lack of family bond.

The focus was put on over fifteen hundred unmarried fathers and Cabrera stated that during the prenatal stages a family structure is more likely to be formed, which is an interesting piece of information.

Furthermore, fathers that got involved during the pregnancy were more likely to move in with the mother once the child was born.

Involvement could be as little as buying presents or providing transport to hospital appointments. Although often it was much more than this including attending ante-natal classes, accompanying pregnant partners to regular prenatal check ups and decorating the nursery.

Avoiding Invasive Surgery For Ectopic Pregnancy

If you are a woman who has had an ectopic pregnancy then you know the heartache that an ectopic pregnancy can bring.

“You have an ectopic pregnancy” is not what you want to hear from your doctor.

This type of pregnancy does not end with a good result. It can be devastating to you and your whole family. Ectopic pregnancy is a silent, painful thing. Making plans for your new baby will turn into a very sad event.

You probably will not know if you have this kind of pregnancy unless you start to have pain. Usually you will find out that you have this type of pregnancy when you go for your first ultrasound.
Ectopic Pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy happens when the fertilized egg starts to grow inside your fallopian tubes. It can also grow in the abdomen or on the outside of the cervix. Once the egg attaches itself, there is no known way to re-establish its location.

There is no procedure developed to solve this problem. Major surgery is not always necessary with the new technology advancement in medical science. This makes the solution to an ectopic pregnancy less painful for you, and it will be easier to deal with for your physician..

Tips To Avoid Unhealthy Weight Gain During Pregnancy

Pregnancy definitely means weight gain. If you have a healthy fetus inside you, then it is supposed to grow and as a result of which you are supposed to gain weight.[Pregnancy weight gain]

However pregnancy is not your license to gain all the weight you want.

You should be aware of the consequences of being overweight during pregnancy.

Unhealthy weight gain during pregnancy can not only lead to complications during delivery, but also affect the health of the child post birth.

If you have been a healthy individual all along, you should typically gain around 25 to 35 pounds during pregnancy. If you have been lean and low weight all along then the number should be 28 to 40 pounds.

However if you have been overweight, you need to be cautious and are allowed to gain from 15 to 25 pounds. The average woman is supposed to gain 29 to 31 pounds during the whole period of pregnancy.
Too Much Weight Gain during Pregnancy

The modern 21st century has given us a lot in terms of amenities, but when it comes to child birth people tend to retain faith in old world beliefs

Mom’s Exercise Is Good For The Baby

As long as women do not get carried away exercising during pregnancy, it can be very beneficial to the fetus growing in the womb.

A good guide is that if you can carry on a conversation while exercising and still feel comfortable your baby will be the better for it.

Studying twenty six women, between twenty and thirty five years of age the research team from Kansas City University discovered that the baby’s nervous system and breathing movement was more developed if expectant mothers had been taking exercise.

The technique used was perfectly safe and involved measuring magnetic fields created by the activity of electricity of both fetal and maternal heart rates.

The exercising women were involved in a moderate level including running and vigorous walking, these and the less sedate subjects were checked between the 36th and 38th week of gestation.

The reason for the study was to determine if there would be any cardiovascular advantages for women in terms of exercise. The device used could pick up various movements of the fetus including sucking, hiccupping and breathing.

Diet For Gestational Diabetes

Pregnancy calls for a lot of sacrifices. People change the way they live right on the day they see the purple line on the test card.

Yes, pregnancy does bring in changes in you and you are also supposed to change with pregnancy.

Discussing about all changes that come and all that you need to bring in is beyond the scope of this article. We will discuss about the gestational diabetes diet in pregnant women here.

Gestational diabetes

Let us now take a look at what is gestational diabetes? Gestational diabetes is also known as diabetes mellitus. GDM is found to occur only in pregnant women.

If a women gets diabetic during pregnancy, but never had the disease before, chances are high that it is gestational diabetes.

If you are worried about the disease affecting the fetus, then you should stick to a gestational diabetes diet. A gestational diabetes diet has mostly to do with the carbohydrate content that you intake, but there are other food forms also included in gestational diabetes diet.

If you have diabetes during pregnancy or gestational diabetes, your body is unable to produce insulin properly or the insulin produced is unable to act properly.

Mothers’ Epilepsy Drug May Cause Birth Defects

New mothers with epilepsy account for other twenty five thousand births every year, most of these will be taking a drug to prevent seizures.

A recently published study has added to increased concerns that some of these medicines can be harmful to the fetus growing in the womb.

Already the risk from potential birth defects has been highlighted for women taking either Depacon or Depakene, both of which are brand names for valporate.

These serious conditions have included webbed toes, a flattened head and hip joints that have failed to mature fully. Spina bifida has also been diagnosed in some babies.

The research was carried out over five year period involving pregnant women from both sides of the Atlantic. Over 250 children were included and it was noted that IQ levels for those taking valporate during gestation compare to other drugs such as phenytoin and carbamazepine.

Furthermore, the higher the amount of drug being taken, the lower the child IQ was found to be. Again in comparison the other medicine had no difference in terms of dosage.

The results are very serious and must be put in the context that women take the much stronger valporate because they have to.

Complications Associated With Twin And Multiple Pregnancies

Pregnancy is a wonderful experience for every woman and is filled with lots of surprises.

However, some women feel a little nervous during the pregnancy period, particularly when experiencing complications in pregnancy.

However, most pregnant women have complication-free pregnancies, and there is always concern about developing complications throughout the nine-month period.

In particular, women who are carrying twins or multiples are more likely to experience pregnancy complications. If you are carrying twins or multiples, ensure that you are aware of the signs and symptoms of pregnancy complications.
1. Miscarriage

This is the number one concern for all pregnant women during their first trimester. The occurrence of miscarriage is very common in almost 20 percent of pregnancies. Cramping and bleeding are the most common symptoms of miscarriage.

In twin and multiple pregnancies, miscarriage often occurs in the form of vanishing twin syndrome. In this condition, two fetuses are detected, but development is observed in only one fetus throughout the pregnancy period.
2. Preterm labor

The most common complication observed in twin and multiple pregnancies is pre-term labor. Up to 70% of twins and approximately 100% of higher order multiples undergo premature births.

Why A Thyroid Function Test Is Important?

In an ideal world every pregnant woman should have a simple thyroid test performed to examine her thyroid function, because the symptoms of thyroid problems are often masked by all the changes that take place in the body during this time.

Consequently, hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism can result in a miscarriage or brain damage to the fetus growing in the womb.

Up to five women in every thousand will suffer with a thyroid condition but usually goes undiagnosed. A decade ago, Dr. James E. Haddow, lead a study in Maine that examined over twenty five thousand women that were pregnant.

The children of the 62 found to have hypothyroidism were all found to have lower intelligence; they were all aged approximately eight years old.

Currently only women at high risk are tested and this is likely to remain the case. However, certain endocrinologists routinely test pregnant women as a matter of course. The medical world is fairly split over the matter so more research will need to be done in this area.

It appears that therapy involving T4 replacement is very successful, this was highlighted by researchers in Italy. The latter resulted in data noting sharp declines in miscarriage and other factors after at risk women were given a simple thyroid hormone tablet.

Tips To Prevent Back Pain During Pregnancy

Every year, approximately four million women in America are giving birth, among which two out of every three women are suffering from lower back and pelvic pain.

These symptoms will vanish within three months after the delivery.

Following some simple methods to guard your back during pregnancy can considerably reduce the symptoms and possibly prevent lower back pain on the whole.
Reasons for lower back pain

There are mainly two reasons for back pain during pregnancy.

Growing fetus

First is the growing fetus. With the growth of the fetus, your abdominal wall stretches in order to hold the expanding womb. The additional room required for this needs to come somewhere from your body.

The stretching of abdominal muscles during your pregnancy is far beyond the usual level, so the muscles will lose the ability to do their normal function in maintaining the body posture. Due to these changes, your lower back acquires an unusual amount of burden from the torso.

Hormone relaxin

The second reason for lower back pain is the hormone relaxin. During the pregnancy period, the relaxin hormone exists in your body 10 times more than its usual level.

Where You Live When Pregnant Affects Baby Size

Researchers have discovered that where you live whilst being pregnant can affect the size of your baby, based on air pollutants like those from heavy traffic although as yet why this is the case is still unknown.

A New Jersey study carried out on nearly three hundred and fifty thousand births, used data available from hospital admissions and compared them to readings gathered by America’s Environmental Protection Agency.

The EPA has various equipment, located throughout out the state, that looks at pollution of the air.

The daily levels of exposure to the various pollutants, based on distance from the given subject’s home, was used to determine what effects it would have on the foetus and ongoing development of the baby.

Certain women for example African Americans are more likely to have smaller babies, along with younger mothers to be and smokers.

Despite these factors it could be clearly seen that exposure to air pollutants did produce a baby weighing less than expected. The initial and latter stages of pregnancy were the times where women were most affected by these outside conditions.

Is It Safe To Use Illegal Street Drugs During Pregnancy?

You should be very careful about and closely watch what you put into your body during pregnancy.

Taking illegal drugs is very dangerous for both you and your unborn baby.

Various studies showed that intake of illegal drugs during pregnancy can lead to placental abruption, miscarriage, premature labor, fetal death, low birth weight and also maternal death.
Here is some useful information you should know about:


Cocaine is the most powerful stimulant of the central nervous system. It can cross the placenta and enter into your baby’s blood stream. This drug can cause severe brain damage as well as death of the fetus.

Cocaine elimination is much slower in the fetus than in an adult, which means cocaine exists for a longer period in your baby’s body.

Effects of cocaine on a developing fetus: The use of cocaine during pregnancy, particularly during the initial weeks can increase the risk of miscarriage. Its use during later pregnancy can increase the risk of premature labor.

The usage of this drug can also lead to the separation of placenta from uterine walls before labor starts. If this is the case, it can cause severe bleeding and will be dangerous for both you and your baby.

Eating Fiber For A Healthier Pregnancy

Constipation is a very common side effect of pregnancy, but it can be considerably reduced by eating a healthy diet that includes fiber-rich foods and plenty of liquids.

A diet which includes fiber rich foods can also help prevent the development of hemorrhoids, another less than pleasant side-effect of pregnancy, and help keep your blood pressure from becoming elevated.

Now, it seems a fiber rich diet during pregnancy may also reduce the risk of preeclampsia, also once known as toxemia.

As many as 5% to 8% of women, suffer from pre eclampsia during pregnancy. The only cure for preeclampsia, and its more dangerous sequelae eclampsia, is delivery of the baby.

Delivery of a pre-term baby also has consequences, the severity of which is directly tied to the baby’s gestational age at delivery.

Adding as little as 5 extra grams of fiber, about the amount in one medium apple, can lower your risk of pre eclampsia by almost 14 percent.

Other good sources of fiber are whole grains (oatmeal or whole wheat cereal for breakfast, for example), vegetables, fruits, nuts, and legumes. Aim for about 21 grams of fiber a day, or as your health care provider recommends.

Oligohydramnios: A Condition Leading To Low Levels Of Amniotic Fluid

Amniotic fluid is the best life supporting system for your baby, because it provides complete protection for your baby and also helps in the growth of limbs, muscles, digestive system and lungs.

Formation of amniotic fluid takes place immediately after the formation of the amniotic sac, i.e. about 12 days after conception.

Your baby will move and topple in your womb with the aid of amniotic fluid. During the second trimester, your baby begins to breathe and swallow the amniotic fluid.

Sometimes, however, the levels of amniotic fluid will be too high or too low. If the level of amniotic fluid is too low, the condition is known as oligohydramnios.

When you go for a prenatal check-up, your practitioner will measure the level of amniotic fluid by using different methods such as deep pocket measurement or amniotic fluid index evaluation (AFI).

If the AFI method shows the fluid index less than 5cm or the fluid volume less than 500ml during 32-36 weeks, a diagnosis for oligohydramnios is likely.

Every year, about 8% of pregnancies are recognized with low amniotic fluid. You may be affected with this condition at any time during your pregnancy, but you will observe the condition most frequently during the third trimester.

Mother’s Pregnancy Stress Related To Baby Asthma And Allergies

For some women pregnancy can include money worries, relationship problems and other unwelcome factors.

In a study carried out at the University of London it has been found that these mothers to be will be more likely to have babies that are prone to asthma and other allergic reactions.

This research has been backed up by different group of scientists working from the Harvard Medical School under Dr. Rosalind Wright. It was discovered that immunoglobulin E levels were much greater in offspring of women experiencing extra stress during gestation.

Animal studies had already indicated a link so the Boston team wanted to see if it was a similar case in human beings. It turns out that stress levels, irrelevant of smoking during pregnancy or social class, has a big effect on the development of a baby’s immune system.

The London research looked at pregnant mothers stress levels and recognized that it is as much of a trigger to allergies and asthma in children later in life as actual exposure to dust. Children who had been abused were found to have abnormal blood inflammation decades after their experiences.

Premature Rupture Of Membranes: Leakage Of Water From The Amniotic Sac

Premature rupture of the membranes (PROM) is the condition when the amniotic sac breaks down and the water surrounding your baby starts leaking.

This condition occurs either at the end of the pregnancy or earlier, well before your due date.

When it occurs near the end, i.e. after 37 weeks or term, then it is known as PROM.

However, it is still considered as preterm because the contractions have not begun. 10% of all pregnancies will be affected with PROM.

Before 37 weeks of gestation, this occurs in about 2% of pregnancies. This condition is called pre-term premature rupture of membranes (PPROM).
Main reasons for PROM

Usually, rupturing of the membranes near the end of pregnancy or term can be caused due to natural weakening of the membranes or from the force of contractions. Before the term, PROM happens due to an infection in your uterus. Some other conditions that lead to PROM include:

* Vaginal bleeding
* Low socioeconomic circumstances – Women under these conditions are less likely to get proper prenatal care
* Cigarette smoking during the pregnancy period
* Have had preterm birth in previous pregnancy
* Sexually transmitted diseases such as Gonorrhea and Chlamydia

Mothers Vitamin E Intake Linked To Child Heart Defects

Everyone is encouraged to take plenty of vitamins, either by increasing the intake of certain foods or by a daily dose of a supplement tablet.

However recent research suggests that pregnant women should be wary of how much Vitamin E they consume.

A study carried out in Holland looked at six hundred women, grouped between those whose babies were healthy and others that had given birth to offspring with heart defects.

All the mothers were provided with forms where they detailed their diet and noted the various foods that they consumed.

This was carried out at the point their infants reached sixteen months, the month before this time is considered to replicate the body’s state prior to actual pregnancy. High levels of vitamin E contribute to the imbalance of oxidants and antioxidants.

Dr. R.P.M. Steegers-Theunissen of Rotterdam’s University Medical Center reports that there was an increased risk of congenital heart conditions with a large amount of vitamin E consumed and also taken orally via daily supplements.

Of those studied with the high vitamin E intake, the likelihood of giving birth to a child with a heart condition was seventy percent stronger than those whose intake was lower.

How To Manage Shoulder Dystocia During Labor?

This problem occurs at the time of delivery.

Shoulder dystocia occurs when your baby is delivered through the vagina, but the shoulders get stuck inside your body.

This is risky for both you and your baby. Dystocia is a condition of slow or difficult labor or delivery [Emotional Dystocia signs].
Reasons for Shoulder dystocia

* Caused by an unusually large baby.
* If you are overweight or suffering from diabetes, you are at greater risk of delivering a baby with larger weights.
* If your pelvic opening is too short for your baby to come out easily, this condition results.
* If your pregnancy has multiple babies. [Multiple Pregnancy]
* If you deliver the baby after the due date.
* If you have had shoulder dystocia or delivered a large baby in your past delivery.

Prevention of shoulder dystocia in the delivery room

In most cases, the baby is delivered safely. Here are a few things that your practitioner will do:

* Press your thighs against your belly;
* Roll you onto all fours;
* Apply pressure to your belly;
* Try to turn your baby’s shoulders when the baby is still inside you;

Pregnancy And Smoking: Stopping Now Will Help Your Baby

Maybe you intended to stop smoking before you got pregnant, and just couldn’t. Or maybe your pregnancy was a surprise.

Either way, you now find yourself pregnant and smoking. Will stopping now benefit your baby, or is it too late?

The answer is a resounding yes—stopping smoking now, even if you are already pregnant, is good for your baby.

In fact, if you are still in your first trimester, stopping smoking now can reduce your chances of having a pre-term delivery, or of your baby being born with a low birth weight to that of a nonsmoker.

If you are pregnant, using medication or nicotine gum to help you stop smoking isn’t a good idea. Instead, try to work on reducing your smoking gradually, using relaxation techniques to help deal with stress, and trying to avoid situations that make you crave cigarettes.

Understand that it takes about 72 hours for nicotine to leave your system. After that, cravings peak on day 3 and then again on day 7. If you can get past these days, you are well on your way to becoming a non-smoker.

Spermicides An : Easy Method For Pregnancy Prevention

Spermicide is a method of barrier birth control, which consists of chemicals that prevent sperm from moving.

You will find spermicides in various forms, such as film, cream, gels, suppositories and foams.

You can use spermicides alone or along with other birth control methods to work more effectively.

Always, spermicides are used with a diaphragm and cervical cap.
Working of spermicides

Spermicide work to prevent the pregnancy by avoiding the sperm from joining with the egg. The thing you need to do before participating in intercourse, is insert the spermicide deep into the vagina.

Spermicide works by blocking the cervix from entering the sperm and reaching the egg and also it keeps the sperm away from moving.
Effectiveness of spermicide:

Effectiveness is the most important and common concern for everyone when choosing birth-control options. Similar to other birth control options, spermicides are also effective when you use them correctly.

If you always use spermicides as indicated, there is a 15 in 100 chance of falling pregnant. If you don’t always use spermicides as indicated, there is a 29 in 100 chance of falling pregnant.

Spinal Block For Relieving Labor Pains

Spinal block is an injection which you receive below the spinal column directly into the spinal fluid in order to numb your lower body.

This is given only once and it provides relief from pain for up to two hours.

Don’t get confused with spinal and epidural injection. There are two ways to differentiate the spinal block from an epidural.

Spinal block is delivered directly into the spinal fluid, but not into the area surrounding the spine and is a one-time injection instead of a constant feed by using a catheter.

Because of this, there will be rapid and complete relief from the pains, but this lasts only for a few hours.

The practitioner orders for a spinal block if you want pain relief late during labor or if there is rapid progression of the labor and the delivery is sooner and there is no time to wait for an epidural.

The practitioner also considers spinal block as an option if you want to have a cesarean section.
Advantages of receiving a spinal block during labor

* You will get quick and complete pain relief within a few minutes of administering the injection.

The Link Between Preeclampsia And Stroke In Later Life

Research has shown that certain problems experienced by pregnant women can lead to their offspring having a stroke in later life.

The study has followed the progress of people born in the thirties and forties to see what if any effects can happen in various conditions associated with being pregnant.

The Helsinki Birth Cohort Study examined over six thousand individuals, almost two thousand of whom had been the result of a pregnancy blighted by either pre-eclampsia or gestational hypertension.

Heart disease was not found to be associated with these complications, however, the risk from strokes was significantly increased, they noticed.

Pre-eclampsia is signaled by high blood pressure, urine containing protein and the retention of fluid. A steady increase in blood pressure levels is the only sign of gestational hypertension. Interestingly both had a marked effect on the babies head circumference, in relation to the total length of the newborn.

Investigator, Dr Kent Thornberg, of Portland’s Oregon Health and Science University believes it is the first study of its kind. Long term research has never been carried out before beyond the childhood stages, which had shown a rise in blood pressure amongst the subjects examined.

Importance Of Gaining Weight With Multiples

Are you carrying a multiple pregnancy? Whether you are shocked or ecstatic and overwhelmed, at this point your head will be spinning with questions.

Among those, the important question at this moment is how much weight you should expect to gain during the coming months of your pregnancy.

The amount of weight you gain in the first half of the pregnancy has a significant impact on your baby’s development in the second half.

The pounds you add now will help your baby’s sustenance in the future life.
Importance of weight gain with multiples

Consuming the right quantities and gaining the right amount of weight is very important whether your pregnancy has a single fetus or multiple fetuses.

However, weight gain is particularly important when you carry multiples because there is a greater risk of low birth weight and preterm labor.

Gaining weight is more important between 20-24 weeks of pregnancy. If a woman carrying twins gains 24 pounds by the 24th gestational week, she is less likely to undergo preterm labor.

Weight gain during the early period of pregnancy is also essential for the proper development of placenta, which is the basis for supplying nutrients to your baby.

Pregnant Women Really Are Forgetful

Women in all stages of pregnancy stereotypically are often referred to as being a bit forgetful and it is usually deemed as being part of the process of having a baby.

However, research carried out in New Zealand would suggest that scientifically this is quite true in certain cases.

While undertaking a variety of neuropsychological tests it was found that women in their final trimester of pregnancy had a significant decrease in their ability to remember what they had heard.

The study involved ninety females equally split between non pregnant subjects, and those in their first and third stage of gestation.

The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists presented their study at a recent scientific meeting.

Their spokesperson Lenore Ellett suggests that it might be helpful to know because pregnant women can be bombarded with important information.

Perhaps in future doctors and midwives might consider making sure all advice is written down.

An average score was calculated from the various tests and in regard to the data found on examining memory, a pregnant woman in the latter stages of her condition are ten points lower than those in other groups. Interestingly the visuospatial memory remained unaffected so only auditory recall suffers

Pregnancy Symptoms No One Told You To Expect

Being pregnant is a wonderful time. But before you know it, you may be experiencing pregnancy symptoms that you haven’t read about in all the books.

Wondering if those symptoms are normal? Here are some side-effects of pregnancy that you may not have expected.

Most of the time these unusual symptoms can be blamed on increased fluid retention and pregnancy hormones, and most disappear shortly after delivery.

Any time you are concerned, however, or in the case of potentially serious symptoms, talk with your health care provider to rule out anything serious.

* Carpal tunnel syndrome
* Vision changes (talk to your health care provider)
* Night sweats
* Nasal stuffiness and nose bleeds
* Increased flatulence
* Vaginal discharge and odors (again, check with your health care provider)
* Having difficulty remembering things, also known as “baby brain”
* Sciatic nerve pain
* Popping noises that emanate from your hips when you walk
* Increased moles and skin tags
* Craving weird non-food items to eat, like chalk or dirt (called pica, check with your health care provider)
* Migraine headaches
* Gums bleeding when you brush your teeth (be sure to tell your dentist you’re pregnant)

Are Your Vaccinations During Pregnancy Up To Date?

Are you a pregnant woman or planning to become pregnant?

Then it is essential to ask your doctor whether your vaccinations against the various infections that we suffer in our daily life, are up to date.

During pregnancy, these infections can harm your developing baby, so it is essential to get necessary vaccinations.

Remember, however, that only some vaccinations are safe in pregnancy; contact your healthcare provider to find out all about the required vaccinations.
Is it safe to get vaccinations during pregnancy?

Each and every vaccine is tested for its safety under the management of FDA. Each vaccine is tested for its potency, safety and purity.

Some people, however, are allergic to some ingredients in the vaccine like eggs in an influenza vaccine. Those women should not get the vaccination until they talk to their practitioner.
Is there any harm for your unborn baby?

Various vaccines, particularly live virus vaccinations, should not be received by pregnant women because these can harm your unborn baby.

There are some vaccines that are administered to you during second or third trimester pregnancy, whereas some other vaccines should only be received at least three months before or directly after the delivery.

Your Pregnancy And Omega 3 Fatty Acids

The importance of a healthy diet during pregnancy cannot be overstated.

The foundation for your baby’s health is laid down during your pregnancy, and choices you make now can have far-reaching consequences.

That’s why you need to include Omega 3 essential fatty acids in your diet. Omega 3 fatty acids are called essential because your body needs them for mental and physical health.

While your body can produce some of the compounds you need from the food you eat, it cannot produce Omega 3 fatty acids. You must include good sources of these foods in your diet.

Omega 3 fatty acids are used by the developing baby in brain development, retina formation, and to develop the nervous system. Omega 3 fatty acids are especially important during the third trimester of pregnancy when the baby’s brain is undergoing its most rapid phase of development.

They help keep you healthy during pregnancy by reducing your chances of developing preeclampsia, helping prevent post-partum depression, and lowering the chances that you will go into preterm labor, which can have serious consequences for your baby.

Eating While In Labor May Be A Good Idea

For years, women have been discouraged from eating during labor and that the act of childbirth needs to be approached with caution in regard to diet.

Certain studies seem to suggest that woman who ate, while her contractions pushed her on towards birth, made this period much longer, even resulting in a caesarean section to remove the baby.

A new more extensive program has been carried out at Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospital in London over a four year period and it indicates very contrary results.

The study included nearly 2,500 women, all healthy and having their very first baby. Split into two groups, half were only allowed water or ice chips, whilst the other 50 % were encouraged to eat regular amounts of bread, fruit juice and yoghurt etc, in small quantities.

Researchers were looking for differences in length of the labor, type of birth and instances of nausea but none were found. The health and weight of the baby was also seen to be no different between the two groups. This whole study is seen as very reliable as it was well run and covered a large test group.

Vaginal Bleeding Before 20 Weeks Of Pregnancy Leads To Threatened Miscarriage

Planning for a baby and observing fetal growth is a precious and exciting experience for every woman.

However, most pregnant women worry about suffering from a miscarriage.

During the initial stages of pregnancy, if you observe any bleeding other than spotting, you may be suffering from what is known as threatened miscarriage.

Threatened miscarriage puts your baby at the risk of miscarriage. If you observe any signs and symptoms of threatened miscarriage, immediately visit your practitioner.

Vaginal bleeding during the initial 20 weeks of pregnancy is called suffering from a threatened miscarriage. This condition is also known as threatened spontaneous abortion and they are most common.

Up to 30% of all pregnancies experience various types of vaginal bleeding during the initial 20 weeks of pregnancy. Most commonly, threatened miscarriage will be encountered before the 12th week of pregnancy.
Recognizing the condition of threatened miscarriage:

Vaginal bleeding before pregnancy week 20 is the most common symptom of threatened miscarriage. However, the appearance of vaginal bleeding varies from bright red to light pink and brown.

This vaginal bleeding can also show in the form of spotting or like a large discharge. Some other common symptoms of threatened miscarriage include:

Quad Screen Test To Determine The Risk Of Carrying Genetic Disorders

One of the most important “maternal blood screening tests” is the quad screen test.

Four specific substances will be tested under this test.

They include: hCG (Human chorionic gonadotrophin), AFP (Alpha fetoprotein), inhibin-A and Estriol.

* hCG is a hormone that is created within the placenta.
* AFP is produced by the fetus.
* Inhibin-A is a protein which is produced by the ovaries and placenta.
* Estriol is an estrogen produced by the placenta and also the fetus.

This test is very similar to the triple screen test. The only difference is, in the quad screen test, the possibility of recognizing the risk of Down syndrome is higher with the evaluation of inhibin-A levels.
How is the quad screen test performed?

This test includes collecting a blood sample from the mother, which lasts for 5-10 minutes. This sample of blood is then tested in the laboratory and the results will be displayed within a few days.

During the test process, you will experience slight discomfort. Instead of this, there are no known dangerous consequences or risks associated with quad screen test.

Breast Lumps During Pregnancy

The occurrence of breast lumps is absolutely normal during pregnancy period, particularly in the last trimester when the breasts are preparing for lactation. The lumps are soft, movable and occur in both of the breasts.

It is very uncommon to get breast cancer during pregnancy. Every year, approximately 1-2% of breast cancers are diagnosed during pregnancy.
Unsuspicious breast lumps have the following characteristics:

* Lumps are freely movable.
* Painful lumps, which means it is just an inflammation but not a tumor.
* Fluctuations in size i.e. cysts that are related to milk production usually vary in size as the hormones fluctuate. But cancer related tissues remain in the same size or grow bigger.
* Usually the lumps are in round shape. The tumor related lumps are shaped irregularly.
* Lumps appear in small size i.e. less than one centimeter.

Examine yourself and allow the doctor to check if you find a lump or cancer. Based on screening, your doctor will suggests you for mammogram.

During the mammography, make sure to tell your doctor that you are pregnant. There will be a section where they cover your abdomen with a led shield to avoid the radiations from falling into it.

Risks Of IVF, New Information From CDC

In the UK alone, more than twelve thousand babies are delivered annually following IVF treatment.

Whilst the majority of these are perfectly healthy babies, scientists in America have discovered that fertilization procedures could increase the likelihood of genetic defects by a third.

The study, carried out by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention noticed that conditions such as a cleft palate and heart valve defects were more common in IVF babies.

Responding to this research the HFEA, the Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority, will update its website, which explains all the potential risks involved with the treatment.

A spokesman for the authority added, that they review the guidance they offer to couples considering IVF procedure on a regular basis. Their code of practice covers alerting people to the dangers but they are also making it clear that much more study is required in this area.

The common instances of multiple babies, in an IVF pregnancy could also be significant as this means babies are born with much lower birth weights. This is another factor that scientists will explore as it continues with this important research.

Preconception Nutrition For Having A Healthy Pregnancy

Following a good preconception nutrition programme will ensure that you get adequate levels of nutrients to meet yours and your baby’s needs during pregnancy.

You should follow the standards of healthy eating plan and select properly from the most important food groups and ensure you get a healthy and varied diet.

Food groups that you should include in your preconception nutrition:


No. Of Servings Per Day

Dairy product and milk, for example, yogurt, cheese and low-fat milk


Fruits and vegetables – All types of fruits like fresh, frozen, juiced and canned

At least 5

Foods sufficient in fat and sugar like pastries, cakes, butter, cooking fats, biscuits, chocolates, sweets, sugary drinks, crisps, cream, and margarine

Consume in sufficient levels according to your BMI

Starchy carbohydrates like breakfast cereals, rice, pasta, porridge oats, bread, and potatoes


Fish, meat and alternatives, for instance, poultry, lean meat, white fish, peas, pulses, oily fish, eggs, and beans


Ginger To Ease Nausea And Vomiting During Pregnancy!

Ginger is safe and helpful for treating nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.

Most of the pregnant women hesitate to take medicinal drugs as they can be highly atrocious to the fetus, so they show great interest towards non-medicine options like acupuncture, acupressure, ginger, etc.

Gingerroot, a perennial plant that grows under the ground can suppress nausea and greatly boosts the digestive health.

A usage of 250 mg of ginger capsules four times a day gives a significant benefit in severe hyperemesis gravidarum. Ginger can also be taken in liquid forms such as ginger ale, ginger tea and ginger beer.

The effectiveness of ginger is due to its carminative, aromatic and absorbent properties. The active ingredients in ginger work against the morning sickness symptoms.

Ginger can help to treat other sorts of nausea and vomiting that the patients are experiencing when taking the medications for cancer treatment as well.

There are some concerns about the efficacy of ginger on the fetus. Taking ginger capsules for longer periods can result in heartburn and acid in your throat. These conditions can result when the baby presses on your stomach.

Stroke And Heart Trouble Linked To Preeclampsia

In the United States, the condition known as pre eclampsia is discovered in roughly 300,000 pregnant women.

Its cause is still a medical mystery although symptoms are known to include raised blood pressure, protein in a woman’s urine and swelling of the joints.

Usually once the pregnancy is over so is the preeclampsia, however new evidence suggests that women who have suffered from the condition may go on to be at a greater risk from a stroke or potential heart problems. A research team headed by Dr Graeme Smith in Ontario is very concerned at the findings of the study.

We are not talking about older women already facing significant risks from a pregnancy later in life he stated, “these are young and healthy women” Over 600 woman are being studied, half of whom have never experienced preeclampsia.

The professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Queen’s University has noted that similar studies are showing comparable results.

As the figures are still relatively small, ensuring on going screening could initially be the answer. The real problem lies in making the medical profession aware of the likely connection between preeclampsia and potential heart attacks and strokes for these women.

Morning Sickness : Toughest Part Of Early Pregnancy

Morning sickness mainly refers to nausea and vomiting that many women will experience in the early days of pregnancy.

Usually, it takes place due to a sudden increase in hormone levels during pregnancy.

Though morning sickness is most common in the morning, it can take place at any time in the day or night. If nausea and vomiting are mild, they are not usually a cause for concern.

However, if you vomit heavily more than four times in one day or lose more than two pounds, it is essential for you to seek immediate medical attention.

Fortunately, it won’t cause any problem for you or your baby if you keep up your weight and take enough fluids.

It often goes away on its own or gets better in the second trimester. In the meantime, if you want to get better relief, check out these simple tips:

  1. Eat smaller and more frequent meals throughout the day, so that you don’t feel too full or too hungry. An empty stomach and low blood sugar, which results from long stretches between meals, can possibly trigger nausea. Always choose smaller and more frequent meals.

How To Select Petite Maternity Clothes

Pregnant women of all sizes want to hide their oversized bellies in proper maternity clothing, pajamas and tracksuits.

One of the most inconvenient things you will face during pregnancy is modifying your dress in order to accommodate your increasing belly.

Today there are a wide variety of clothing options to fit your needs.

Find clothes that show off your belly and also ones that hide your belly rather than flaunt it.

What type of maternity clothes to wear and when?

During the first trimester, you can wear most of your pre-pregnancy clothes. Don’t wear form-fitting or tight jeans because they can harm your growing unborn baby.

Skirts and pants with elastic waists, clothes without waistlines and oversized clothing provide you with wonderful support.

There is a need for maternity clothing from the fifth month onwards. It is better to buy monochromatic tops and bottoms that are specially designed for petite women.

Look for a single color effect as they can make you look a little taller and slimmer. Also, choose high-neck or boat-neck tops as they will highlight your slim shoulders. Don’t choose horizontal stripes, particularly during the second half of the healthy pregnancy.

Benefits Of Vitamin C During Pregnancy

Vitamin C is a water soluble nutrient needed for the formation of collagen, repairing the tissues, and various metabolic processes like iron metabolism and translation of folic acid [Folic acid supplement]to folinic acid.

A pregnant woman should consume 70 mg of vitamin C daily.

Vitamin C reduces the risk of premature birth, so pregnant women should take sufficient amounts of vitamin C during the second half month.

The membranes of the sac holding the fetus and amniotic fluid surrounding the fetus start to rupture when your pregnancy come to end and the process of birth begin.

This premature rupture of membranes (PROM) can lead to premature delivery. Taking adequate vitamin C levels help to reduce the incidence of PROM.

Research shown that distorted collagen samples and decreased vitamin C levels during 28th week of pregnancy greatly associated with the incidence of PROM.

Collagen is the basis to hold fetal membrane and preserve the mechanical strength of chorio amniotic membranes. Some other conditions that are present during pregnancy such as intrauterine or cervicovaginal infections also are due to insufficient vitamin C levels.

Unemployment Causing Pregnant Women Serious Health Insurance Problems

As unemployment soars in America, its effect on health coverage for pregnant women has created a worrying trend.

Discovering that you are expectant mother or expecting a baby should be a time of joy and excitement but more women are now facing an uncertain nine months.

More women have to find their own maternity coverage and often once you are actually pregnant, the options are extremely limited.

Not all pregnancies are intricately planned, even with the best of intentions accidents do happen.

The difference between the plans provided by employers, to those sought by an individual can be complex for the layman.

There is a state Medicaid program for the lowest income brackets but a lot of women are falling through the net. With the average cost of having a baby in hospital being well over $ 7,000, with that sum rising sharply with any complications, a lot of medical insurance companies are charging exorbitant rates.

Certain companies are refusing to even offer maternity coverage, resulting in potential state intervention in the matter.

How Common Are Migraine Headaches During Pregnancy?

Headaches are the most common discomfort experienced by most women.

You will experience headaches at any time during your pregnancy, but they are most common during the first and third trimester of pregnancy.

The main causes behind headaches during pregnancy are:

The sudden rise in hormone levels and also the blood volume throughout your body can lead to headaches during pregnancy.

These headaches become worse with an increase in stress levels, poor posture and variations in your vision. Some other reasons for headaches during pregnancy include:

  • Caffeine withdrawal
  • Dehydration
  • Insufficient sleep
  • Low blood sugar
  • Stress

If you have regular migraine headaches during your normal life, you are likely to experience fewer migraines during pregnancy, while some women may experience the same levels or more intense migraine headaches.

Before planning for pregnancy or during the pregnancy period, it is essential to inform your health care provider about the medications you are taking for migraine headaches.

During the third trimester, most migraine headaches are due to poor posture and tension with the growing weight of your baby. Pre eclampsia (high blood pressure during pregnancy) is a condition that can cause headaches during the third trimester.